What is the value of a professional organization? What can we expect to receive from a professional organization? What can we expect to contribute? Why should you strive to become a Certified Educational Planner? Join a discussion on the topic with two professionals, Julia Varriale, Erin Avery and Cyndy McDonald. This session will include a discussion about creating a study group to prepare for taking the Certified Educational Planner assessment. Cyndy will share her experience in taking the assessment.
Julia Varriale | juliavarr@ucla.edu
Erin Avery | erinavery@me.com
Cyndy McDonald |
Have you been seeing students for five years or more? Have you considered applying to become a Certified Educational Planner (CEP), but not taken the next step? Need support to prepare for the CEP assessment? Then this group is for you! Join with fellow colleagues to prepare, take and achieve your CEP designation.
Groups will be held on Tues PM or Thur AM in February and March. Each group will meet 4 times. See more details on CEP Registration Form. Click LEARN MORE below.