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Student Essays: Digging Deep to Find Gold With Kieran Lyons

October 11, 2021

Finding confidence to share your voice with strangers.

Writing the college essays induces stress and hand wringing not only for students but for parents and their college advisors. How can we help students understand the purpose of the college essays? How can we guide them toward fulfilling these purposes without taking over their writing? Most difficult of all, how can we help them muster the courage, confidence, and trust needed to share their deepest selves with strangers? Kieran Lyons, author of the new book, Let Me In, The Practical College Essay Guide, share his tips and thoughts on guiding students to their best essays.


Kieran Lyons | To The Top Education Group | 

Cyndy McDonald | Mindful Coaching |

Video Presentation


Visit AMAZON to purchase the new book by Kieran Lyons, published through To The Top Education.

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